How to Read Your Insurance Claim

Dec 10 2020

If you’re filing your first roof insurance claim, you may be confused by your claim summary. At Restoration Roofing, we get a lot of questions from customers on their insurance paperwork. To clarify, we are going to share an example of an insurance claim summary and break down each line item.   Claim Summary A claim summary is an insurance adjuster’s estimate of the expected cost to repair or replace the damages on your roof. Line Item 1: This is your line item total for materials and labor. This is the total of all the line items in the previous…

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3 Tips for Hanging Christmas Lights Without Damaging Your Roof

Nov 24 2020

Don’t cause your shingle to jingle this holiday. Whether you are the kind of person that starts decorating the beginning of November or waits until after Thanksgiving, it is important to know how to safely hang your Christmas lights on your roof. There is a lot of misinformation out there about nailing or stapling lights to your roof, so we put together some tips to ensure your light display not only looks great but also does not cause any damage to your roof. Avoid Putting Holes in Your Roof Those familiar with Christmas Vacation will remember the scene where Clark…

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5 Reasons For Fall Roof and Gutter Cleaning

Nov 09 2020

It’s that time of year again! The leaves are changing, everything is pumpkin spice, and you are already planning out your Black Friday shopping list. Unfortunately, in the Mid-South the season also comes with heavy rains, clogged gutters and roofs covered in fallen debris. Not to put a damper on your holiday cheer, but in the roofing world these issues can turn into major problems down the road. That’s why we suggest having your fall checklist include removing leaves, sticks, and debris from your roof and gutters. Here are our top reasons why we recommend cleaning out debris from your…

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Benefits of Using the Equipter for Residential Roofing

Oct 16 2020

Roofing is a labor intensive and hazardous occupation. From falling debris to hauling bundles of shingles up a ladder, any roofer can attest to the difficulty of the job. Luckily, there are tools such as the Equipter RB4000 that simplify the process and ensure a clean worksite for our customers. At Restoration Roofing we are fortunate to have two Equipters that allow our crews to work more efficiently and safely. Since a lot of customers may not be familiar with the Equipter, we wanted to share all of the benefits that come with us having one on our worksites. When…

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5 Benefits of Adding Solar Powered Skylights to Your Home

Oct 09 2020

Adding skylights to your home is an exciting upgrade for any homeowner, but just like getting a new roof or gutters, there are considerations to make sure it is the right investment for you. First and foremost is deciding which style of skylights is best for you. At Midsouth Skylights (Restoration Roofing’s sister company) we offer four different styles: Solar Powered, Electric, Manual and Fixed skylights. Out of all our skylight options, the Solar Powered “Fresh Air” Skylights come with the most benefits to your home and are well worth the investment. To help you make an informed decision, we…

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Restoration Roofing Selected as Wise Choice

Oct 02 2020

Restoration Roofing is thrilled to share that they have been selected as Andy Wise’s Wise Choice for roofing company in Memphis, Tennessee. Local celebrity, Andy Wise, is known for his years as an investigative consumer reporter and has continued his legacy of being a trusted advisor for consumers through his business, Wise Choices. Wise Choices offers a list of local businesses that Andy has researched and vetted before giving them his seal of approval to be considered as Wise Choice. Each business category only has one business selected and Restoration Roofing holds the roofing category. During the selection process in…

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